Today is set up to be a long day. Here at work until 830 tonight. I've determined that I'm going to focus on work though when I get home. Hopefully. At any rate, I did some file organization this morning.

During the insane winter and spring quarters last year all of my project files turned into three big throw-all folders that have become a jumbled and totally unorganized mess. When I sat down to begin revising some of the things I saw wrong with my portfolio I realized that it was essentially impossible to find any file that I needed in order to edit the link on the larger pages. Things have been moved around so many times within the HD that its ridiculous. So, this morning I created a new folder for three main projects that I completed during spring quarter 2009 and have been going through the hundreds of PDF's, Sketch-Up models and exports, Illustrator files, and Photoshop files and placing them in their correctly organized space. I'm actually opening each file though this time and doing a thorough check. I think one of the issues I was having in the past is that the clutter was so big I felt I had to rush through by organizing just by glancing at the thumbnail or title of each file. Not going to cut it.
Other than that I was thinking about some design stuff. I'm still working on the Zion Project which is somewhat amusing. But in the end I think that it made me realize more than ever that design and thus architecture is not simply a do it done project. It requires revision after revision after revision. And then more revision. When I submitted the initial draft (knowing its not done) of the logo/business card to the
Zion Group the amount of opinion and input was unimaginable. I have a plan of action though but I have a feeling that there will still be much revision and that this whole thing could lead to much more design work in the future. Hopefully.
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