Soooo today I accomplished pretty much noooothing. Pretty much just woke up, was going to go to a class to renew my Food Handler's Permit buuut turns out that it got cancelled to make way for BUMBERSHOOT!!! I've never actually attended Bumbershoot but I heard its pretty cool. Wait taking that back, I did attend once, but it was noooot that cool.
Anyways... other than that finished up my resume for this internship I'm going to apply to but honesty the whole thing is stressing me out. This whole moving thing, with work, and the internship. STRESSED. I feel like I just need a break to have a vacation you know? Its been non stop rush for basically over a year now. Oh well
Plan for tonight. Finish the cover letter....I hope and work more on this logo design I'm working on for my friend's Hong Kong Youth Group.
Real Estate Web Site Hosting
don't stress out too much ><
wish i could be there.
lol. fail pancake
:) i get to see you today :D
and its not a pancake!
its actually the foam on top of a coffee cup.
i was trying to do latte art at work but failed
lol. i glanced at it and thought it was a pancake, but after posting i looked again, and it looked a bit weird. but i had no idea whawt else it could have been. :D
does kinda look like a pancake
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