So today has been a day of relative success. I dont know if i mentioned before, but I'm moving this week. Financial difficulties have made it where I can no longer afford my current residence with my awesome roommates who I'll miss alot. We've had a great year together I think during which I've laughed more than I can remember. Anyways. I've been somewhat in a panic about getting all my packing done and today i've knocked out a good portion as you can see from the above pictures. I still have 5 days before the move out date so I feel confident I'll be ok now.
Other successes have come today as well. Gearing more toward architecture I called all three firms today in my quest for an internship position. The First was a total fail. Balance Associates Architects has NO internships or volunteer positions available now or in the near future. Sad day.
I think the main thing that I got out of this phone call was realizing that I sound like a telemarketer. :/ Conversation went something like this.
Receptionist: Good Afternoon, Balance Associates Architects
Me: Hello, my name is Paul and Im currently studying architecture at the University of Washington. I was calling to inquire if you would like to buy a set of kitchen cutlery for only 19.95!
ok not quite that bad, but essentially felt the same.
So the next phone call decided I was going to lighten up a bit.
Said Hi, didnt mention much but anyways, McClellan Architects does not have any internships or volunteer at the moment either but they may in the near future. The guy told me to send a Resume and mention in the email that I talked to him on the phone and he'll remember me and call me when something comes up. This was somewhat encouraging.
Number Three was the best. Now this firm I haven't mentioned before but I actually like them alot. They are CAST Architecture here in Seattle. I spoke to one of the architects there and he said that they just discussed last week possibly bringing on a volunteer for their next project and to send him a resume and cover letter etc and whatever else I think can fit in an email and we'll go from there.
Now I know I dont have this yet, but it would definitely be nice if it worked out. We 'll see.
Now for the Hard work part is tailoring my resume and rewriting a cover letter.
Gotta get on that and send it in as soon as possible.
Oh one more thing. Found this other pretty cool firm that actually designed the hair salon I frequent about once a quarter or so. They are BuildLLC architects.
I'm possibly going to call these guys up tomorrow.
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good luck :) hopefully you get that volunteer position from CAST. i'm still waiting for a reply from mine. ((sigh))
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