Sunday, June 6, 2010

FINALS: Plant Biology, Art History, and Forestry! OH MY!

Bad Wizard of Oz reference? Probably. Its finals week here at UW and its just beginning to get fun. Haven't had to pull an all-nighter in a while since I've been out of studios but this week may call for a break in the streak. The one thing I'm wondering through all of this is: What in the world was I thinking when I signed up for art history? Big mistake. Oh well. Summer Quarter has the hopes of being something better. Right now I am signed up for a ceramic throwing class (just for fun) and a sustainable market finance stuff required for the B-LArch. (Bachelors of Landscape Architecture for those of you who don't know). Also planning to sign up for a week long trip out to the Elwah River area to get some first hand experience on dam removal effects on the ecosystem.Promises of excitement. Until then, wish me luck on these finals! Real Estate Web Site Hosting
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mr. piggy said...

i'm sorry... :(
it was my idea...
i didn't want to suffer alone.


Anonymous said...

whyd you make me take this class?!?!?!?

crystle said...

hi.. Do you have any summer program in University of washington that open for international student? looking for one.. ;p

starkca3 said...

lol i didnt see this comment until just now....